Reporting on the impact on the environment is an important step that an organization can take towards raising awareness and concern for a sustainable future.
Such reports can be published annually to partners, clients, authorities or the local community.
Step 2 involves issuing Reports describing the organization's current impact on the environment, regarding:
--> Waste flows
--> Consumption patterns
--> Customer and employee operations
--> Actions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility
--> Information about the location, green spaces, etc.
Here, at Divanul Verde, our priority is to create customized models, tools and databases, which best adapt to the specific needs of our customers.
If you are looking for a serious, innovative, creative partner and a friendly team to work with to become a Sustainable Business, we will be happy to get in touch with us.
All data collected in the initial phase will be processed and analyzed. The carbon footprint, the footprint of water consumption, energy consumption, plastic, etc. will be calculated in accordance with international standards and criteria.
Thus, the starting point for your organization's journey towards sustainability will be established.
The Divanul Verde team will build a report with the analysis and the results obtained, highlighting the milestones to be improved both in the short and long term.
Fiscal Code: 45916785 Registry No.: J40/6447/06.04.2022
Divanul Verde
✆ 0759 848 779